If you can’t find your full results report it’s because they are not finished processing yet.
Your full results will be available in your secure portal once all tests become final. Partial results are now being uploaded to your patient portal as results become available, so you’ll be able to get some results before your ETA ;)
You can log in at: https://patient.privatemdlabs.com/login
Once logged into your secure portal, if results are not posted, your results have not finished processing.
We’ll send an SMS (text message) and email notification once we have posted your final report.
You can also view the estimated timeframe for results to be final in the email that accompanied your requisition.
Some of our customers have difficulty locating their lab results because they used a different email to order and they try to login with a different email address and then create multiple accounts. Check you’re using the email used for the order you are trying to locate results for.
Why can't I find my results? Print
Modified on: Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 4:46 AM
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