Hang in there champ and fear not, this is our most popular question so we've made it easy to see your estimated turnaround time inside your account (screenshot below). 

When your results are ready, we'll send you an email + text message (just to be doubly sure you get it) that your results are available and a link to see them. 

Here's the login link for your account, consider saving it to your favorites for easy access later: https://www.privatemdlabs.com/patient/login

If the estimated time for your results has passed and your results aren't available, please let us know via a text message support ticket or start a support ticket so we can check on them.

We understand it can be frustrating at times to wait for important health results, there's a bit of a line at the lab to process your specimens and provide final results, hence the turnaround time.

When your results are ready you can find them in your account at this link https://www.privatemdlabs.com/patient/login


Below is how we would have answered if we didn't think it was important to answer your question right away in the first couple sentences and took more liberty in being long winded...

Ah, the age-old question that has plagued humanity since the invention of modern medicine: When will my blood test results be available? It's like waiting for a pizza to arrive when you're starving, except instead of delicious pepperoni and cheese, you're anxiously awaiting news about your health.